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Must Have Communication Skills

Effective communication with your team

Essential Communication Skills You Must Have To Help you Succeed In Your Business.

 Excellent communication is one of the best skills you can have in life.  It’s what allows you to receive and pass information to other people, and also helps you to understand what’s said to you. 

The capability to communicate effectively with your colleagues, superiors, and staff is crucial, regardless of the industry you work. In this digital age, you must know how to effectively receive and convey messages personally, as well as via email, phone, and social media.

Excellent communication skills can help you land promotions, get hired, and become successful throughout your career.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd?

Do you want to beat the competition?

You must develop the communication skills outlined herein below because they’re the ones highly sought after by hiring managers and recruiters.

These are the skills that recruiters want to see in your cover letter and your resume.  

The best top 5 Communication skills

To stand out from the crowd, you have to demonstrate these skills, and you’ll impress your boss, clients, and teammates.

1) Active listening

If you want to be an excellent communicator, you must be a good listener. Nobody likes communicating with someone who only wants to talk and doesn’t care to listen to what others are saying. If you don’t listen well, you’ll find it hard to comprehend what the other person is saying to you.

You’ll keep on telling the other party to repeat what they said, and it might not sit well with them.

Note, if you didn’t hear well what your counterpart was saying, you wouldn’t respond appropriately.

You must take the time to practice active listening.

 Pay close attention to what the other person is saying and keep clarifying and rephrasing what she’s saying to make sure you understand. If you clearly understand what the other person is saying, you’ll respond accordingly.

2) Concision and clarity

Acceptable and excellent communication requires just saying enough. Don’t talk too little, and don’t talk too much. You have to try and send your message using a few words as possible.

Say what you need to say directly and clearly, whether you’re on the phone, speaking to somebody in person, or via email. Don’t beat around the bush.

If you grumble, your listener will have trouble knowing what you want and may even tune you out.


3) Be ready and willing to ask questions

If you are a new employee at a company, you may be afraid to ask questions to coworkers and managers.

 But your ability and willingness to ask proper questions is critical to your understanding of how the system works. By asking questions, you’ll know what’s expected of you and the pitfalls to avoid, if any.

Asking questions will help you clarify things and staff at the place of work, whether you’re talking about a problem or a project with a coworker.

Instead of just giving directions, you can ask questions to guide someone at the right conclusion.

You can never be sure if you understand what you’re hearing unless you ask the questions you could be having in mind.

4) To display a positive body language

Do you know that your body language says a lot about you? Your body language communicates a lot more than words. Be apprehensive of the energy you release with movements and actions.

 Always keep eye contact when you’re speaking to someone. If you avoid eye contact, the other person may take it that you’re lying. If you look on the other side, it may come across that you’re bored or you’re not interested in what the other person is saying.

 If you look down, you’ll appear nervous or submissive. If you cross your arms when you’re speaking to someone, it could mean you’re either blocking that person, your mind is closed, or you are nervous.


  • To show respect.

To be respectful, you’ve to show that you value other people’s space, time, feelings, and perspectives.

Merely using a person’s name, listening actively to what the other person is saying, and making eye contact will make the other person feel more appreciated.

When you’re on the phone, avoid distractions and try to stay focused on the discussion.

Show ultimate respect by taking time to proofread and edit your messages. Sending a haphazardly written email, the recipients will imagine you have no respect for them enough to contemplate proper communication with them.

Having excellent communication skills is all about being able to pass information to people directly and clearly and in a way that shows things are understood and will get done.  It’s also about receiving and transmitting messages.

If you have excellent communication skills, you can understand and give instructions, ask questions, make requests, learn new things, and hand down information with ease. 

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